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"The Finnish Stopped Soviet Mines from Exploding by" Topic

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Tango0128 Apr 2024 5:22 p.m. PST

… playing a Single Polka Song on Repeat

"During both the Winter War and the Continuation War the Finns utilized creative and often outright comical tactics against the more numerous Soviet forces. On one occasion, the Finns slowed down a Soviet advance with just the smell of warm sausage, something the hungry Soviet troops could only dream of receiving from their own side. But in 1941, in a similarly creative fashion, Finland played the same polka song over and over again to defend against Soviet explosives.

Explosives and polka music aren't usually linked, but the Finns actually used it to save lives…"

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Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP29 Apr 2024 8:51 a.m. PST

It's very catching!
YouTube link

Andrew Walters29 Apr 2024 9:50 a.m. PST

Someone should inform Weird Al.

Tango0129 Apr 2024 3:43 p.m. PST



Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2024 6:23 a.m. PST

If memory serves me right polka music played over and over again continuously is banned by the Geneva Convention. :)

Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2024 11:27 a.m. PST

So an interesting side detail, which comes from following a side-link in the article in the original post …

At least I didn't know. Maybe others did.

REO Speedwagon is not just the name of a pop music group from my youth.

It was the name of a truck used by the US Army in the WW1 timeframe. REO was the short form of Ransom Eli Olds Autocar Company, and Speedwagon was a model of a truck they built that the US Army used, evidently in some numbers during the 1916 "Pancho Villa" expedition into Mexico.

The things you learn on TMP forums …

Tango0130 Apr 2024 3:39 p.m. PST



Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP02 May 2024 10:13 a.m. PST

(From the Wikipedia commons, in case anyone wanted a referral or some evidence.)

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